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For Teachers


Looking for STEM resources that link to the Nova Scotia Curriculum?

For Parents/Guardians


Looking for fun and educational STEM activities to do at home with your children?

Polaris – Trident ROV


SuperNOVA uses their underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to explore our coastal environment.

What do Scientists Do?

A podcast for kids, parents, and educators!

Download or stream the episode on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts or Stream on it on YouTube.

“What Do Scientists Do?” is a STEM podcast for all ages! In each episode, a guest expert teaches us all about a new science, technology, engineering, or math topic. How do we study things that are too small to see with our eyes? How do we keep track of ocean creatures that swim all around the world? Our guests answer these questions and more!


What Do Shark Scientists Do? Mab (Program Coordinator) is chatting with Baylie Fadool, Marine Biologist and Shark Scientist about swimming with hammerheads, sun tanning sharks, and if megalodon is still out there swimming in the ocean!


Keep the learning going or bring this episode into your classroom – check out our shark coding extension activity! Learners can apply what they heard about sharks to develop a Scratch game and explore basic block coding.
What do Scientists Do? A podcast by SuperNOVA

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