Deep Dive With Polaris
Watch our recorded ROV footage and use SuperNOVA Identification Guides to help collect data on the seaweed and animal species we’ve found in different aquatic habitats in Halifax Regional Municipality!
Polaris Habitats
Rocky Marine
Polaris Habitats
Rocky/Sandy Marine
Polaris Habitats
Rocky/Sandy Marine
Polaris Habitats
Polaris Habitats
Identification Guides

Deep Dive: Activity Guide
We need some help identifying seaweeds and algae we’ve seen with our ROV. Learn how to collect data!

Deep Dive: Polaris Worksheet
Use our worksheet to record your observations and log your data to add to our database of ocean life!

Habitat Videos
Check out SuperNOVA’s YouTube Channel and use Polaris videos titled “uncut” for the Deep Dive activity.

Seaweed and Animal Identification Guides
Use these identification guides of common seaweed and marine animals to identify the life you see in our ROV videos.

Deep Dive: Educator Guide
If you’re a parent or educator, have a look at this resource to answer any ROV and habitat questions you might have.

Deep Dive: Info Sheet
If you still have questions or want to learn more, have a look at this resource to answer any ROV and habitat questions you might still have.